Total Controlled ETH - Current
Ref. | Item | Value |
A | unallocatedETH | 22.22261 |
B | allocatedETHForDeposits | 0.00000 |
C | totalDepositedInValidators | 632928.00000 |
D | cumulativeProcessed DepositAmount | 632736.00000 |
E | currentTotal ValidatorBalance | 453514.05988 |
F | unstakeRequest Manager.Balance | 1717.61561 |
G | totalControlled | 455445.89811 |
C1 | numInitiatedValidators | 19779 |
F1 | allocatedETHForClaims | 252445.01586 |
F2 | totalClaimed | 250727.40024 |
G = A + B + (C - D) + E + F
C - D = amount that has left the staking contract but yet to appear on the Beacon Chain.
F = F1 - F2
C = C1 * 32 ETH
Total Controlled ETH - Cumulative
Ref. | Item | Value |
A | cumulative staked | coming soon |
B | cumulative CL rewards | coming soon |
C | cumulative EL Rewards | coming soon |
D | cumulative topUps | coming soon |
E | cumulative claimed | coming soon |
F | cumulative protocol fee | coming soon |
G | cumulative CL slashed | coming soon |
H | totalControlled ETH | Coming soon |
H = (A+B+C+D) - (E+F+G)
Oracle Update
Item | LatestRecord |
record index | 1363 |
updateStartBlock | 21559445 |
updateEndBlock | 21561844 |
validatorsActive | 14170 |
validatorsWithdrawn | 5603 |
windowWithdrawn Principal | 0.00000 |
windowWithdrawn Rewards | 1.78067 |
consensus Balance | 453514.05988 |
total Processed | 632736.00000 |
Oracle Status
Item | Value |
hasPendingUpdate | false |
numRecords | 1364 |
nextUpdate | 1620 behind |
Pause Status
Item | Value |
isStakingPaused | false |
isUnstakeRequestsAndClaimsPaused | false |
isInitiateValidatorsPaused | false |
isSubmitOracleRecordsPaused | false |
isAllocateETHPaused | false |
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